
A weekend in North of the 'Amptons: Part 1

You know you should probably post long overdue pictures when your dear 'friends' actually start hacking into your blog and leave delightful threatening messages for you to find... ahem.

This was literally taken around 5 minutes after I arrived. I pride myself in my ability to make any room look like a shit tip in a matter of seconds. Its a fine skill that is.
Lezbyans 4 lyyyfff
Vodka + cuppa soup = the most amazing and nutritious pre-drink ever created.
Ah, the obligatory 'hey can I try on your glasses' ritual that happens every single time I'm around drunk people. I can only laugh.

Isn't it funny how we seem to be obsessed over taking pictures of ourselves. Its not as if we don't know what we look like. Its especially the ones where we suddenly jump into a pose and the right angles to flatter ourselves as much as possible for the camera, which irk me the most. Its not like we're exactly capturing a special moment in time by doing so. I wonder what it is. Vanity? A primal instinct to look as good as we can to attract the desired sex when we post them online for all to see? I don't know.
Its the photos which are candid and unexpected which I find so much more appealing. They tend to evoke questions and curiosity, and hold some sort of story behind it.

I mean, guys, you know.

This lovely little ditty makes me happy and not grumpy about the world.
*Repeats play button*


  1. Oh man, that duckface image is soo funny and so effing true. I fucking hate posing like that, I don't even know how people do it =/

  2. i find that photo of me getting dressed just made you blog EVEN MORE AMAZING. just saying... Also if pull that face because we cant pose for shit :)
